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Image by Austin Distel

Why Us

Here’s why you should partner with us

Image by Jonathan Velasquez

We specialise in helping companies like yours harness the power of podcasting

Unlock your company's podcasting potential with us today!

We don’t tell you how to market your product. We fit podcasts seamlessly into your existing marketing mix.

We offer a free of charge initial consultation

We begin by presenting in person the benefits and potential ROI of corporate podcasting to your key stakeholders and senior management. This is essential to gain the internal buy-in and support required for a successful podcast campaign. This session will outline the latest trends in podcasting, provide insights into how podcasting can fit into your current marketing strategy, and detail the specific benefits it can bring to your brand.

Our approach is simple but effective.
Clear Strategy + Meticulous Planning + Creative Thinking = Exceptional Podcasts.

We are good listeners

We then listen carefully to understand your goals, target audience, and key messages you want to convey. We then present back our written understanding of your strategic objectives and propose a detailed podcasting plan including episode themes, potential guests, and formats. 


We understand that every company is unique and requires a bespoke approach. That’s why we tailor our services to meet your specific needs and goals, ensuring your podcast stands out from your competitors.

Hands-On Experience: Our Edge, Your Advantage.

We bring hands-on podcasting experience

We have learned the hard way that successful podcasts require a holistic approach. With hands-on experience producing our own highly successful podcast from scratch, we have had a unique learning path that has provided a working knowledge of every aspect of podcasting from hosting to results analysis. Understanding the interaction of every facet of podcasting gives us a unique perspective and helps us provide differentiated solutions to our clients. Continuing to produce our own podcast,  also keeps us aware of changing industry trends and at the cutting edge of technical developments in podcasting. Our firsthand learning and experience can be easily applied to your business and dramatically increase the chance of your corporate podcast project exceeding its objectives.

Effortless Collaboration , Extraordinary Outcomes.

We are easy to work with

We pride ourselves on being easy to work with, highly collaborative, and exceptionally responsive to your needs. We understand the demands of a busy schedule, and we are dedicated to accommodating your timelines and requirements.


Unlike many of our competitors, we are not a launch service that disappears after a few weeks or self-proclaimed audio ‘nerds’ just focused on sound recording and editing.  Instead, our team consists of business professionals who are highly personable and serve as relatable counterparts for your team. Our unique blend of expertise in podcasting, strategic planning, marketing and client service, ensures a seamless and straightforward experience for you.

Distinctive Expertise, Dedicated to Your Success.

We have extensive Video podcast expertise

Video, rather than audio, is poised to be the future of podcasting. As the industry transitions from audio to video podcasts, clients often find their existing podcasting agencies lack the technical expertise in video production, editing, and promotion. We differentiate ourselves through our technical expertise in video podcasting, ensuring your content not only sounds great but also looks professional.

We are specialists in the interview format 

We are experts in using interviews as a podcast format. We can suggest interview questions, provide hosts or coach members of your team in interviewing skills..

We are experts in content repurposing for social media 

We have innovative and creative approaches to repurposing Podcast episodes into social media content, enhancing the company’s short form content marketing efforts.

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